Syndra Lordon

 "Speak to no one about this."

 "Lady Yuki, why don't you say anything?" Emma pleaded to have justice, yet, the majority of the staff stared emotionlessly. The shock of the incident had differing reactions. Increased heart rate, unsteady breathing, or quietness, they were all contemplating what would happen.

 "What of the ambulance?" 

 "I've called them, ma'am," said Igona with irregular breaths.

 'How am I going to make up to Leko,' wondered Yuki stuck in a place of no return, '-I took responsibility for the boy, and now he's gone. Joe overworked him, I should have noticed – I added more onto his mind, a youngling can't possibly deal with such harshness. In trying to sculpt a gem, the stone broke, what a shame…"

 *Cough,* the paleness of the skin regained a flicker of color. The flowing blood froze instantly as if ice all the way up to Lady Yuki's clothes.

 "Stand back," yelled Emma pushing the others back.