Winter Festival

Loron came to life, Igna worked as Yuki taught. The duo was harmonious, her resolve to train was ironclad. Igna on the other hand was quick to assimilate the information. No stone left unturned, the assistance from Éclair became necessary. Ingredients highlighted with taste, what went well, and how to optimally prepare for the pre-decided recipe. The inexperience of not knowing much was effectively reduced to a bad-memory. 

Thus, the life of Igna stabilized for the next coming months. He'd wake early and train at the multiple restaurants the other staff worked. They took turns teaching and finally at night when the group rejoined at Loron, Lady Yuki took over.

Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months, the happenings at the Academy were more visible. Jen and Leonard were known as love-birds, their relationship spread outwards of the class.

 "Good morning guys," said Rena waking from a drooling stupor.