Azure Path

 "That's Igna for you," came a pleased and satisfied half-smile, "-I'm not lying about anything," said she strongly, "-Igna bears the blood Haggard blood. He's my son, and nothing will change said fact." The startled Eira and Julius dropped onto their seats.

 "Whatever you say," came a disrespectful sneer from Julius, "-I don't accept this one bit. So, is he going to be part of the running for the crown or no?"

 "Don't even dare," glared Eira, "-none's going to speak of the crown. We swore for it to remain secret."

 "Why not," he argued, "-why not," the tone felt hesitant, "-father's disappearance came at a bad time. Mother's been dealing with pressures from so many parties it's all so hard to bear. What can we do, I'm afraid Arda might collapse."

 "Shut up," voiced Eira, "-mother's fight just as hard as we are," underneath her breath came regret.