Lord Amsey

 "No need to rub it in," the evening grew darker and somber. About a few days ago, Jen had surgery under the watchful gaze of Clarise. Post-operation showed her body quickly adapted and accepted the less than the humane arm. They proclaimed with certainty that the lady would heal in the next few months. Lampard and the others were given the green-light to return to the academy. Leonard chose to remain at Rotherham and work until Jen was able to return in full health.

 "Igna," said a figure dressed in warm and comfortable clothes, "-are you going to sit mindlessly gazing at the rising stars, or are we moving out?" two brown medium-sized cases dropped to shake the bench.

 "Anna," said he staring her recovered face, she seemed to do better as proved the visible expressions and little gestures here and there, "-where did all this stuff come from?" the slouched posture straightened, "-being unconscious for so many months doesn't magically bring about luggage…"