Alicia Raze

How dare he,' startled to the point of tears, words paused on her tongue. Voicing the fury aloud felt impossible, a knife got drawn to her neck in an instant. She blinked and there it was, the cold tip pressed onto her fair skin. An experience that would most definitely invite official actions was left untouched. 'The personality swapped frighteningly quick, how in the world did he manage that?'

 "Igna," said Lia in a dossal mood, "-the prank's gone too far."

 "Oh please," returned he strongly, "-do I look like the type of person to care about people who don't take time to evaluate another?"

 "Did we touch on thy nerve?" added Amsey.

 "No," he refused per a sigh, "-I just wanted her to have a taste of what could happen."

 "What do you mean?" inquired Lia for he knew the boy to not do things haphazardly.