The Battlefield

Singed in heat, scarlet-colored vapor, mushed bodies, entrails, limbs, brain matter, eyeballs, the list went on without end. Destruction, devastation, a full-bodied massacre. Aside from the giant humanoid gluttons, crawlers (beast-like figures) loomed about, hanging in the shadows to strike. Taller and larger than the average man, a single swing of its sharpened claw made mincemeat of the survivors.

Panic of unmeasured proportion traveled along the walls. Stonegrove and Ground-Zero timed their forces to enter the battlefield in hopes of helping. Instead of coming face to face with the enemy, the Sergeants called in to lead the coming forces were left distraught. How could one fight an uphill battle of undenounced proportion? Any sliver of courage trampled; the mist stopped a kilometer off the walls. Bells rang periodically. Guns, spells, throwing spears, naught but ineffective.