
Piece by piece, like water down the drain, the picturesque landscape faded into nothingness. White smoke marked the end of multiple scattered pieces. An undone puzzle, a world of confusion and fear. Origin stood strong beside Igna, both held hands, the bodies closer than before. A blinding light carried on into reality; the crushing sensation stopped. 

Dark and vile, as multiple nights had been, the harbinger of the worst deeds humanly performed. Dagger to her neck, "-Hey, don't squirm so much, I'm not as gentle as you'd think."

 "Let me go," the nauseating sound subconsciously forced her to sneak glances at Igna. 'Wake up…' thought she – what had been a body was naught but a pile of sludge. Not bone from blood, not organs from the skin, nothing… a blob and that was it.