"Queen without a kingdom"

 "Five minutes, cousin, that's a bit harsh." 

 "Nonsense," said he, "-don't try to defuse the situation."

 "Fine. Here then, Mother and Big sister Eira arrived at my door a few days ago. They were in rags and hadn't eaten in a few days. From what my sister told me, they ran from the kingdom and barely managed to teleport outside the border. From there, with no money and nothing valuable, they've walked and asked, worked part-time, helped in slaying a few monsters till here."

 "Tough bout," cried he, "-anything else, the arguments more sentimental. Straighten up, cousin." 

 "Right," he breathed, "-emotionless as usual," a glance showed deep bloodlust-colored irises. "The merit is you have royal blood and the rightful inheritor of the throne. Princess Eira's the next queen."

 "Great," said he sarcastically, "-how about I take an army and launch an attack against Arda. A revolution for the Ardanians, how does that sound?"