Empire's Invasion [9]

Acceptance of the fate at hand bellowed as a slumped posture. The pieces fit one after the other, her hands made to gently touch her belly, in a moment's tension, she sprawled to stand before Julius, "-am I going to die?" asked she to Igna, "-please, tell me, I need to know, am I going to die?"

  "Listen," he placed a hand atop her shoulder, "-all I know about the curse is from the tales of old. I've never seen it come to fruition. One thing is sure, there are plenty of examples of mothers sacrificing their bodies into becoming food for their offspring. My cousin's taken a liking to you, and by the story told," motioning to her bracelets, "-the bubble through which one sees the world has been expanded, granted, by a lot of sufferances. The situation now isn't about liking one another, I honestly don't care for you," spun towards the lanterns, "-if you promise to not betray us, I'll grant any wish thee wants. Acceptable?"