Empire's Invasion [11]

 "You called for me?" 

Brown hair moved akin to waves, the look from the roof onto the desolate below sure was one to rile the imagination. "Yes, I did," said a figure sat solemnly on the edge. Conspicuous figures stared left and right, hid in corners, looked thoroughly until eventually stepping inside the cottage. Lust on their face and hands inside the pockets. '-The trade of the flesh,' wondered he, '-profitable and in of itself secret, customers are mostly shunned for partaking, thus the silence. The workers never ask questions; as long as there's pay at the end, it sufficed.'

 "Are you going to sit there and wonder?" the presence approached.

 "Come on, look," said he, "-they're so careful in not being found out, tis hilarious."

 "I don't see you laughing though," interjected the cunning voice.

 "There's no need for the attitude," he stood, "-Gophy."

 "A job for me?" her face remained bound between frown and grin.