Empire's Invasion [16]

  "Reason, will action suffice?"

  "Actions?" the flamed eyelashes lowered to gaze upon the mortal, "-what can you accomplish?"

  "A whole lot of things," said he with mild intent, "-a barrier's been placed around this house. The Curse has yet to fully activate."

  "Igna, what's the curse actually do. The subject's been changed every time it comes up."

  "Didn't I explain?" *snap,* reality split into an eye-shaped portal. Translucent steps of purple block materialized, "-I've come to help," proclaimed Gophy.

  "Goddess," gasped Igna.

  "Stop being sarcastic," sighed she, "-is the curse ready or not?"

  "Could you explain what's supposed to happen?"

  "Want me to tutor the prince?" glancing back, "-I suppose there's nothing much to do, is there."