Empire's Invasion [18]

A bad taste pestered; Lilith's appearance had left quite the maltreatment to her person. None to guide nor none to watch, she stayed despite the cold-shoulder, a single person mattered, one whomst she carried gently to bed. 

The chirping of birds dawdled beside the sound of wooden swords hitting one another, '-I passed out earlier,' eyes reopened to the same room. A few hours had passed, side-glance to the bedside clock showed 10:00. '-am I being spooned?' warm, slightly moist breaths strolled down the neck, '-her scent, she smells of the forest. Well, judging from the long hair, it's Lilith. Still can't move, my limbs are so numb.' Ruffles in the sheet broke the 'spoon', she turned to be assaulted by a beam from the sun. The latter almost felt as if mocking the lady with a wink.

  "Goodness," she sat, her feet tinkled once on the floor, "-I must have dozed off," gently leaning back, "-I'm sorry, did I wake you?"