Empire's Invasion [20]

Drunken babbles whisked into a growing tense room. Ella and Ellie ambled to Lingling's side. Her party had changed a fair bit to include the twins, herself, Kein, and Goldie. Opposite them stood Jen, Rena, Leopard, Leonard, Ila, Cole, Frost, and lastly, Anna. Their tags and hardened auras told of their progress, the adolescents with dreams grew into a fierce bunch. 

  'He's here.'

  'How are we supposed to approach him?'

  'Should I say hi or will that be rude.'

  'The aura around him, I can't imagine being so careless,' these thoughts and few of the same context traveled. 

Composure remained strong, Igna's idle expression made breaking the ice all that harder. "Enough with this awkwardness," mumbled Lingling, "-hey there Igna," she jumped on to stand face to face, "-long time no see, have you grown taller?"

  'What a crazy chick.'

  'May her soul rest in peace.'