Empire's Invasion [23]

Stumped by the sudden '-shut up,' Undre's posture slumped a little, "-I was only worried," came a subtle mumble.

 "I know, I apologize," said Igna, "-where's my phone."

 "Over on the desk," he pointed. "My lord," stood idly, "-there's an important matter to discuss."

 "Take a seat then."

 "Thank you." 

Bedroom, study, office, the full package in a circular tower. The minimalist approach was more convenient than overbearing establishments. The minute hand passed the 12-hour mark, time read 8:00. The duo sat before a projection, "-my lord, Éclair has reported the sudden involvement of a spy. We found clothes and scattered belongings on an earlier patrol. The guards question how vestments and items came to be. The person seemed to have teleported away."

 "My doing," said he snacking on fruits, "-it was late, didn't have much strength to painfully kill the lass. Her name's June of the Nisel tribe, a mother of one of the plague victims."