
Day rose on the horizon, Asmodeus awoke to a particularly cramped bed. "Come on ladies," stray hair awry on his chest and arms. Beautiful unclothed maidens awoke as he said, they sat on their knees and leered the demon invitingly. 

 "Oh my prince," said one licking his chest to the neck, "-why wake us so early," a seductive side glance sent amorous pleasure to his heart. 

 "Ladies," he sat against the headboard, "-I'm afraid it's not late."

 "Yeah, the hell is not," returned a slightly annoyed roommate, "-Asmodeus, I know the whole deal about the prince of lust is important," an angered Gravy waited with arms crossed, "-the alarm is enough to wake us both. Moans and simple whispers will but hamper the process."

 "Highness, the lowly side-dish is spouting words," pointed a very well-defined figure. 

 "Do beg our pardon, virgin sir," nodded another, "-I don't seem to understand vegetable, sorry," a tilt and a smirk sufficed.