Dealings with the devil

 "I accept," said Igna, "-on one condition. There won't be any contracts involved. Consider us the helping hand to boost Lum's popularity. And yes, the statements very obnoxious and self-centered, I'm certain we can do it. We'll agree on a verbal contract here and now," he smirked, "-making a deal with the devil is a fatal one, are you sure about the endeavor?"

 "Anything to keep my business afloat."

 "Tis settled. From today onwards, Aceline and I shall be part of Ansoft. Treat it as if we've signed a contract. Don't announce it just yet," he looked on through the ceiling towards the studio, "-let us prepare a song first. Tis Aceline's big return, I won't spare any expense." 

 "I expected so from you," back on his feet, "-I apologize for the plea, tough times tough decision. What about payment?"

 "I'm thinking a 70-30 split in our favor."

Hands to his chins, "-let me think," the eyes shut, "-deal."