
Pastia's Theater, a star-stuttered theater where many renowned figures have performed over many years. The immediate entrance drew attention, and not in a good way. The car, a very dignified and stunning lady, the lavishly dressed children. Remove the rumbunctious attitude and none be the wiser to their identity. When push comes to shove; the energetic Draconis acted humbly and kept a low profile. The listless Vanesa's face glowed, there was energy in her step. Lastly, the very egotistic Saniata, her revenge lost meaning somewhere along the way as shown by the subtle changes. 

Pillars of marble passed them; hurdled guests pressed judgment. 

 "Good evening," said an attendant with combed hair and an earring. 

 "Good evening," replied Igna, "-I've come here to offer an ancient artifact from my house."

 "Do pardon my intrusion," he gave a once over, "-about the relic, we have made a point to only accept items from nobles."