Combination of Symbols

 'I want to be a strategist, person of great wit and foresight into politics,' wished the princess, '-I want my face and hair to stay the same. As for my gender, it doesn't matter, man or woman, I don't care. The loss of said useless organs doesn't mean anything to me. I want my abilities to be stronger than the average human.' Brightly shaped flower petals enshrouded the face-less figure, the bud closed to blossom into a man/lady of a high degree of class. 

 "Alright people, let's head on home," commanded Igna. 

 "Awesome you say?" a vortex headed by an annoyed-faced Miira swallowed the fallen heroes and the princess,"-return to your world, Saniata and Draconis have made a mess of the place." A relatively weak domain claimed as his own, the king of demons returned to the world of Totrya. Purple marred with a soft orange blaze had glazed the horizon. "-What's this?" he inquired, the always opened window blew refreshing gusts.