“Cut the sad story, I’ve heard plenty."

 "As asked of us, the news has spread. Time is short till Glenda succumbs; shall we dispatch the merchants?"

 "Whatever," said a somber figure, "-the town must fall, tis all I ask."

 "Your wish is our command."

Matters pertaining to Ritenoot now handed to Alta, focus turned to a grossing matter. It may have deluded the issue, still, the subject of the true unification remained steadfast. The trio of Haggard's next-generation gathered underneath a grand tree on the outskirts of town. Hardened dirt path climbed over plenty o' ups and downs till the other villages. 

 "I'm glad we started the orphanage," commented Julius. Standing around would do naught. The prince boldly sat on the dried grassy plane; the shadow sure gave much-needed rest. 

 "What of it?" silvery hair flowed.

 "The children have a place to stay, I can't ask for more."

 "And we shan't ask for more," interjected Igna, "-have you relayed the information to Aunt Shanna?"