True Demonlord [24]

Expectation crashed onto the cold wooden corridor, steps made for the lift. The conversation ended with much to speak, '-it's best we don't pursue this conversation,' the night wind blew, over yonder, Odgar in a swift movement, helped his lady into the chopper. Rotors spun to match the nightly gusts in jealousy – similarly, the gate's below opened to welcome the prince and Kul. Hands to the back of his head, '-I'm tired,' he exhaled, the pent-up tension from the day eases, '-I nearly used more than half of the mana reserves. I'll let it regenerate, tomorrow's the 21st; I ought to check the status of the continent.'

And so, the energetic prince stumbled inside, he held Starix and Kul between his arms, "-a little help here…"

Éclair heard and turned the corner, "-drunk again?" he wondered uninterestedly.

 "Come on, help a brother out."

 "No thanks. Leave them on the couch or something."

 "Very heartless," returned under the breath.