True Demonlord [32]

 "Played," a chuckle escaped, "-played."


 "We were played," said she ominously, her mind clicked, a bit of her persona swapped, the cheerful side, magnet for trouble, didn't speak nor smiled. An empty hollowness spoke from the depth of her mind, "-people died, friends died, everyone's dead." 

 "Hey, get a hold of yourself," cried Ginka, "-sanity and patience," said a whisper.

 "Why," asked a curiously childish innocence voice, "-why?"

 "Because," interjected Kinka, "-we've seen family die, their blood, their last breath, it's all encroached in the memories. Once you pull the trigger, there's no going back. This is the world we choose to become a part of, a dystopia strong-armed by the AHA and military. Even if we wanted to escape, there's no way out." Slams against the metal plates resonated, a shiver went up Uonl's neck, "-he's waking…"