True Demonlord [50]

December, the month of holidays, the month of vacations, and the month of fun. The significance of said time of year is partly to do with the Empire. Their culture, mostly acquired during the age of conquest, was notorious for absorbing the best of most and vanquishing the worst of all. In recent years, a global understanding through the use of the Arcanum has shown a greater impact on the overall intelligence and acceptance, like all else, there are limits to the rule. 

The cold, a pleasant companion to the festive season, was either loved or hated. Alphia's northern end didn't much feel the cold as opposed to the south. Winds blew harshly from the southeast, Carter Lake and the surrounding forestry kept the cold to the lowest possible temperature. Located farther up compared to the other towns, snow was prone to Fuda mountain – rare was it for the white flakes to stick and visit the town.