A kindhearted soul

Muddied path scarcely had pebbles flung along haphazardly, a hopscotch type of layout where one had to jump from stone to stone. The village, quarantined by a thinly made wooden fence interlocked by winding iron chain, didn't hold much. The first impression would say the barrier was built to keep outsiders in, on a better look, the opposite seems to be true, a barrier to keep insiders out. By the latter, the reference is made to animals, pigs, and the likes, chicken and stray dogs sniffled left to right, running other dogs and making an otherwise dull atmosphere bearable. 

Indifferent to the mud, aided by their wings, Igna and Intherna hovered till the village center marked by a stone-brick well. Few bystanders overlooking their humbly build houses without windows glared, the openings hidden behind curtains and otherwise fabric made for clothes.