‘-Igna you were played for a fool, what a tantalizing feeling.’

 "Proof, surely thee jests?"

 "On the contrary," three silhouettes arrived, Aulia stood at the front, "-I had my friends dig a few things out for me." Moments prior, upon glancing at the village, an idea jumped into mind – one constant remained wherever the world might have been; none can be too careful during negotiations. Thus, to bring the battlefield closer to home, he asked the trusted companions for favors.

 "My God," spoke the robed lady, "-a blond-haired pale woman," her arms rose instinctively, "-begone, damned spawn of the devil!"

 "Quiet," said the mayor, "-priestess, would behoove thee not to interject so frivolously," the side-look shifted forward onto Igna, "-what proof do you have?"

 "Firstly, might I borrow thy time and curiosity for a bit?" 

 "Sure," he eased into his seat, the posture open and ready to listen. The boy, epicenter of the discussion, shuffled to the priestess's shadow, whereby she patted his cheeks in reassurance.