'We're the same.'

A golden stump rose and bloomed into radiant foliage. Darkness cast upon the land seemed to nullify, the wounded scattered beyond the reach of help were cocooned into healing pods. "I'm on the sidelines today," remarked Lilith. 

 'What does she mean?' he glanced to her stead, she had found a cozy little boulder to sit against, "-Gophy, Intherna, Miira, take them out quickly, I want to go home."

 "Yeah, yeah," sighed Miira, "-we'll do what we can," the jade-rimmed urn of various designs and symbols shrunk to a puff of smoke. Yonder, Lord Exia and his servants watched. Gophy pointed at the cube and snapped. The difference in height crumbled in a bellowing boom – flight magic toggled.

 "Igna Haggard," spoke the leader, "-who are you, truly?"