
 "Pardon the mess." 

 "No need to worry." Expectations of a humble apartment in a not-so-nice part of town had prepared the mind to witness the worse of what an adventuring town could offer. There, after crossing the bridge overlooking the highway, she treaded along the pavement, caution to movement around her, the way her hand and body reacted spoke of a trained fighter. Not wanting to interfere in private life, he simply followed, admiring the diversity of architecture. Soon, they'd cross a residential block of tall apartments of many vacant rooms. Lazily painted advertisements read, '-500-5000 Exa.' 

 "Ignore those," she said curling her index, "-they're scams, I think," she brazenly added before the guard of one of said buildings, the man looked and paid no heed. 

 "Are you daft?" he hurried to her side, "-we're in a sketchy part of town, right?"