
 "What's the matter?"

 "Nothing," he rose from within the tightly arranged chair and table, the lofty atmosphere was too preoccupied with Fenrir's sex appeal despite the blatant demi-human features. Envy and lust practically drooled from the geezers' eyes and mouths, "-I need a break, don't worry," he said, the doorway closed onto a populated street. Spun to the side, hands in the pockets, and cigar in mouth, he headed into the vague direction of the hospice which could be seen over the disorderly arranged buildings. 

Where one side fell into total anarchy, the other, whelmed at the prospect of the possible damage, stood elated at the idea. An outline of a man, recognized by many, stood in the shadows of a closed shop, the shutters boldly gathered dust – to a point of inhabiting insects.

 "It's worked," said another figure ambling through the crowd.