The Great Collapse [6]

 "Sure it does," said a stranger from within the pile of identically dressed fighters. They ambled through, pushing aside said fighters, who returned clicks of the tongue and less amicable glances – glared Igna, then smirked, "-the name's Oat, I'm a mercenary from the Empire, sent to guard the advance party," the outline cleared as the distance closed. Igna kept a nonchalant regard whilst the tired fighters breathed sighs and complained in mild whispers. The leader of the march, an elf, waited with arms crossed. 

 "Are you the Prince of Arda?" he fired, the height stood shy short of the average of the current crowd. There was a cuteness inherent to small things, and the newer addition, Oat; was a proud owner of scars.

 "Aren't you too short to be in the army?" 

 "Heh, pathetic, being looked down upon by my adversary is nothing new."

 "Right," Igna postured in the 'lightning-strike,' stance, hands-on Orenmir's scabbard and sight set on a massacre.