United Nations of Alrosia

So, it would seem, carnage ensued over Alphia's Melmark. One of the many buildings the royal family-owned, at the foot, similar to ants gathering around a fallen sugar cube – was replaced by armored cars and various individuals dressed in boots and ties. The elevator worked double. A stream of similarly dressed figures made for the reception – the lady, barely in her late-twenties, sweated buckets by the number of requests and appointments. Break at 10:23, a white car swam through the crowd, made its way under the shade of an ebony tree, had guards gathered around a door to which clicked. Inside, pale legs turned, white hair shimmered, Empress Eira made her appearance, light-blue makeup in the shade of ice, froze the outside with a glance. The stuffed lift emptied, she took a firm stance and rose.