Dimension travelers

For otherworldly beings; the alteration was only in their sense of spirit. Those native to the world, and goes for the Shadow Realm as well, have a unique scent to them. Most if not everyone is blinded to said smell, however, in Igna's case, the two's scent rode above their head like riding a horse. It straddled, perfectly calm and collected. Setting aside the spiritual scent, they looked like humans, two figures, a young man and woman, twins, dark hair, dark eyes, coffee complexions, long eyelashes, rounded nose, oval-shaped face, and beauty dots under each nose. The boy, aged in his early twenties, had his mark on the right side of the nose whilst the sister, the left side. They kept speaking in their native tongue, the lad never once cared to check on the hostage, an unconscious Kul wrapped in a semi-transient bag. 

 "Look at me," said Igna in the lost tongue, "-the lass on thy shoulder is my close companion," the darkened sky didn't make the atmosphere any better.