Unplanned Scheme

1st of February, time elapsed, Igna found himself sitting before a computer, the day had just risen. The interview of a week prior gave quite the shock. The news persisted on the popular talk shows, touching on a sensitive matter was bound to make headlines, and in the rabble, a lesser-known show, Ion's Tal, shone from the rest. The host, a scholar who'd graduated from Kiz' University, ranked the 9th in the Hidros, sat and argued what was said. The more elaboration, the lesser grew to understand – the subject piqued interest, what was justice, what was right, nothing was set – nor was there a beacon to guide the judgment. Unlike the other shows, most of which took an opposite standpoint against the King's words, Tal sat down and said, "-Self-accountability." 

The backlash affected many courts of law, the act of dualism, a law passed centuries ago – was brought under scrutiny from humanitarian organizations. Where conflict booms, so does the people's interest and affection.