Unforeseen Visit

Mediator between soon-to-be warring factions, a position no one in their right minds would ever accept. Such wasn't the case for the enigmatic and charismatic Jonny Dyale of the Dyale and Co, a renowned fashion brand who in past years, increased their influence to Alphia, the promised land. Ruby-red tag along the neck, Lord Dyale, a native of Hidros, found himself on a train headed due east to Kreston. Security at Riverwood was quite the show, armed guards patrolled the very few trains headed for 'enemy' territory. Past the station, the singularly tranquil transit trotted on its merry way, passing the very Hidrosianesque landscape, up hills, through forests, past meadows of colorful plants. Sun settled on the checkpoint at the border. A slow halt muddled onto a station shy after said border – Kreston's undeveloped land was prominently used for agriculture; lack of infrastructure rendered the thickets denser and intimidating.