First Blood [4]

The distant sound of Igna's engine faded beyond the wall – lights gathering from the driveway into the manor faded in order, starting at the gate to the porch. Elvira waited in her dressing gown, the comfy curtain parted mildly, her dark pupils and cynic resting face pressed on the windows. She followed the trail of red leading outside the property, the fingers and hands numb to the touch – on the gates closing, she twirled and hopped onto her large bed, the mattress sunk, "-Yui," legs underneath fluffy covers, "-stop hiding." No sound clicked, a gentle elevation in light marked the lady's entrance, on fully entering the room, the light lowered to darkness – flames caught Yui's facial features at irregular intervals, the shadows extenuated a glibness, unlike Elvira, had experienced. There laid sternness without her speaking, "-tell me, why allow him access?"

 "I tried to stop."