Silent Tears

Sheltered underneath the colossal volcano, an inner town built on magic and the wisdom of the dwarves. A key difference between Arda and Marinda, dwarves here were tall, taller than average. Uninterested per the suffocating interior – Igna and young Tania were soon at the mercy of a battle arena. Banners advertised the battle – "-battle of the prodigies, will Tania's knowledge suffice or will the Danio's prodigy win against the odd. Come one, come all," they shouted, "-to witness the battle of the ages." 

They walked through the main walkway. Scruffy, dirtied mineworkers, the townsfolk – casually wandered. Strained look which eased on seeing friends and family. A battle in town meant rest for the lucky few, and they, without questions asked, took the vacation happily albeit for the lasting few hours. 

 "Our quarters," said Igna, "-small but it'll do," the door clicked loudly, "-Tania, you sure you want to be alone?"