“To free Cthulhu,”

  "To free Cthulhu," returned Miira.

  "The Guardian of realms," inferred an interested Gophy, "-let's see, the humanoid figure needs some work, and the aura," she leaned and sniffed, "-very nice," said the pleasant smile, "-death and destruction. My favorite meal."

Intherna sprang at the guardian beast and narrowed, "-death and destruction. Too bad," she echoed, "-doesn't look all that appetizing to me."

  "Stop," added a very soft and inviting voice, "-you'll scare the poor beast into hiding," Lilith stroked its flexible chin. Igna stepped to add a word, "-well," Miira interjected, completely cutting him off, to which he simply blinked a few times, "-taking in a beast of this size will take an enormous amount of mana. It's stretched its tentacles across dimension and has yet sustained its hunger."

  "See, friend," he added in a mundane but clear voice, "-there is no hope."