“Wait and watch, auntie,”

A confused, '-devil,' escaped Éclair's already stunned expression. The second requirement for the mind to the process was foreshadowed by Igna waltzing into the private lounge. He gave a simple yet meaningful smile – guards at the door slid to the side. The silvery handle, warm to the touch, opened into a scene ripped from a movie, not that Igna' had seen what was in vogue at the cinemas. Rationalizations aside, he entered with confidence and an allure that instantly pulled on the neighboring table. Openness projected grandness ending at the big windows thrown upon the Rotherham townscape. Blimps in the night sky fluttered to and fro, planes, helicopters, and secret military projects. 

  "What do you mean, devil?" the prime minister dragged behind the headstrong Igna, voluptuously bicolored pupils sought left and right top and back for a glimpse of Elvira's coffee-colored hair and slightly tanned complexion.