28th of January X115

Barrel smoke rose, "-what happened?" panted survivors, "-why are we alive?" Hurls and agonizing cries echoed, one dropped to the ground foaming, sufferance caused by mana nausea. The devil flung one leg over the other, stared at the survivors, and smiled, "-congratulation, instigators."

  "Why did you kill them?"

  "Are you not pleased?" a signal rose a gun to the man's head, "-say the word, tis nothing off my back."

  "No please," he dropped forward, slamming his forehead against asphalt, "-mercy, majesty, mercy."

Shuffles gave into footsteps, "-raise your head," said the king standing inches from the man, "-have thee forgotten my creed of assembling talented individuals? Consider it a favor," *snap,* a green healing light shone above the remainder, "-scurry on out of here."

  "As you wish, Majesty."