Port Smith

The bulk of the splatter dripped. Researchers shared the expression of dread and fear. A man was butchered without so much an inch of hesitation. 'Spy,' thought Igna, scanning the area, '-pretty sure if I check,' a few taps led to naught, '-there, the database is empty. A nonexistent human, what a shame, so they'd have us think,' the hands rose maniacally over the deceased. Lock down all but had the laboratory in a vacuum-like state. Crystals of gray snapped at the spy's head, mild flickers moved back and forth, '-there,' he released, leaving the body dry and shrunken. 

 'We're a bit too late,' he moved towards the stained glass, grabbed a nearby cloth, and swiped, "-do we have contacts in the pharmaceutical world?" he asked, the voice resounded behind the onlookers for noise didn't travel across the room. Marie jumped and checked, the speakers suddenly spoke, throwing her already hesitant nature in a loop. 


 "Yes, we have a department."