"Mother," spoke the babe, "-been a while," she stretched her tiny arms to be carried by the lass. "-Pope," she turned affirmingly, "-far as stories goes, Eia died to frostbite. You're free to do whatever with Nicola, long as the bloke doesn't interfere. Trust me," her vibrant stare read, 'no mercy'. "-If the kindness returns to bite us," she grinned and abruptly turned, "-you know the rest." A flick of the wrist and off she was – helicopters laid on standby. 13th turned 14th as the moon spoke clear and the sky listened – a private jet landed within the secluded airfield kept at the side of the capital.

 'Done,' Igna peered through the airlock and stretched, '-finally home,' he glided down the stairs and touched firm ground. 'Days of deliberation – being welcomed as a hero was quite the scene for Eira,' said a jestful smugness. 

 "Majesty," she followed, "-care to explain the overwhelming welcome we had?"