A royal selfie

A few days trip, "-come one come all," cried wanderers, "-prices are the best in town," they said. A tall building stretched beside the elaborate port. Ships of varying sizes and craftsmanship were anchored. Foul-mouthed sailors were quite the common sight. "-Mine Inn," said the tall building, the ground of which was covered in restaurants and places for a hearty drink. Igna walked arm in arm with Saniata, "-this place sure looks alright," he commented.

 "To a wealthy man it's a trading heaven," she answered, "-for those in the lower social class, not too great."

 "Isn't that the same everywhere," the journey stopped shy of a bridge – a large canal went through the lines of buildings, blocks squares, and rectangles eventually headed to the sea. Long the canals, deeper within the town, were the populous' rubbish, filth, and waste. Little further and local factories joined the fray, "-what a mess," said Saniata, "-We should hurry, don't wish to carry the plague."