The Crossroads

*Cough, cough,* blood guzzled down her chin. Undrar painfully watched, her armor cracked, splitting Lixbin's domain. 'Undrar,' screamed, '-where is she,' the void eased, allowing the devastation to be thrust into center-stage. '-she's there,' her presence hung tight. Igna limped with one hand on his shoulder. Clean holes went through his torso, he bled profusely, lowered blood pressure took its toll, '-I feel lightheaded.' 

  "I-I-Igna," Undrar held tightly on her chest, "-my heart, it's, it's…" 

  "Steady yourself," he knelt and held her head over his legs, "-don't do anything rash."

  "Igna," came a kind smile, "-don't worry so much," her fingers rose to tap his chest, "-see, you're healing," darkness from the death element spread. A plague of death washed the ground into a pit of despair. Greenery or wounded bystanders melted – leaving a gel-like substance.