'-life matters,'

 "No, I didn't."

 "I heard my name."

 "Was a matter of speech."

 "What was?"

 "Calling your name."

 "…" Vengeance vanished; two hours passed. Sathanas waved a friendly smile and disappeared into the Shadow Realm. Theon and Igna followed the sound of agony. Dungeon opened to static energy, a feeling that'd raise one's hairs held the atmosphere in limbo. "-Intense mana," said Igna, "-did something happen?" a slow methodical tap slithered into focus. A ball of light replaced Theon's lantern, "-this feeling," added the master torturer, "-don't mind it, majesty, tis how Yelp expresses himself. The more joy and pleasure he feels, the more static electricity is unleashed. I wouldn't worry, it'll go soon enough."