
  "A deal?"

  "You heard correctly. A deal with the devil."

  "What sort of deal? By Devil, do you speak of the devil, devil?"

  "Devil, devil. Please don't make me laugh," Igna eased into his seat. Emperor, shocked at the proposition, held his tongue and breath. 'Make a deal,' crossed the mind, '-If I make a deal,' the thoughts carried the eyes to rise at Igna, '-I might be playing into his hands. I came here to ask for help, I don't have any excuse. The empire, I need to save it, no matter the cost. Such is my responsibility.'

  "I see the mind is made up. Tell me, imperial majesty, what will it be?"

A rumble permeated throughout the castle, '-a spike in energy,' he narrowed – various guardians materialized from the shadows, "-majesty, trouble," reported one.

  "I know," he nodded, "-have Midne take care of the issue."

  "As you wish," the cloaked figure disappeared.

  "Who was that?"