“-nothing can hold a Haggard down.”



A well-ordered dinner table carried supper. Few at the table were strangers, guardians sent by other parties to watch over the famed Queen of Demons. Her beauty was one to be revered. Who wouldn't have lusted after her, a lady, as beautiful as much of the hated goddesses and equally fouled-mouthed sailors. Her collarbone accentuated her chest, the dress, of black and stripes – prominently gothic and of demonic nature. Her cleavage, one drooled by the sat guests, wasn't left untouched for it was highly prominent due to her corset and curvature of the top. Asmodeus waited at her side, the table was joined by Mammon, Beelzebub, and Sathanas. Each obeyed their whim.

  "Asmodeus," she threw a harsh regard toward him, the older sibling. 

  "What is it, mother?" he narrowed and in the corner of his eye, Sathanas rose with a slam of the table, "-EVERYONE, GET OUT!"