
  "Igna, is that you?"

  "Hello, mother."

  "How long has it been?"

  "I couldn't say," the view from atop the capital's divine tree sent waves of nostalgia. Igna could but watch with widened eyes, the world seemed a perfect mix of harmony – chaos and resets, the ideal combination for a smooth view, "-Arda seems better. Look at the walls."

  "The Great wall of Arda," she smiled, "-a fortress built by you and your cousin. It's strange, thinking it suddenly materialized. Then again, we are in a place of magic. Tell me, Igna," she grabbed  his hands, "-are you okay?"

  "I am," he returned, "-mother, I'm here to bid my farewell."

  "You going on a trip?"

  "I can't say it's a trip. You must know the legend of the three in one?"

  "Ahh," she dropped his hands and grabbed his shoulder, "-you have awakened. If only you had the Death Reaper's weapon. I might have- well, never mind."