The New Director

  "New Director, by whose authority?"

  "By the old Director's authority of course," Lucifer's winged symbol hovered between Igna's hands, "-as for my title of Death, it comes from my inheritance of multiple symbols."

  "Are you," Skeptor's tightened his gaze, "-perchance," and took time between his words, "-the one responsible for Lucifer's downfall and eventual death?" 

  "My word, you must be a very astute individual."

  "Thank you, I don't get praise often," he gloated, Igna's sarcasm didn't register. 

  "No matter, let us go around the table for an introduction. Starting with you."

  "Ahia Gron. Professor of the Magical Arts and Physical training, in charge of the Students," she bore a motherly figure, frizzled hair which seemed to lessen with Age. Crinkles along her mouth and forehead, her rounded glasses, and black hair were hard to miss.