

  "Just look at the vice-director, why is he staring so intently."

  "The smile, look at it, just look at it, I can't imagine anything worse…"

He waved threateningly – an arm-slicing motion, "-my apologies, ladies, is there some way I might help?" 

  "N-no sir," they bowed timidly, '-he heard you,' they scurried, exchanging whispers and giggles.

  'It would seem I think highly of my looks,' the look returned at Igna and the assistants, '-I won't accept defeat, not so easily. Believe me, director, if it comes down to choice, I will further my agenda, trust in this,' he held against the window with a clenched fist, '-I won't lose, I won't.'

  "Professor Skeptor."

  "If it's not Emmie, how are you these days?"