Archangel of Death, Azrael [1]


  "Aapith Nation."

  "I don't feel so good."

  "Well, you were under quite the troublesome curse," the spells disengaged and her body healed. Take aside the clueless look placed upon Enfia's visage, Staxius took the new occurrences with stride. '-A church serving the adjudicator. Allies are most welcome. She pledged her soul. That is enough for me. I wouldn't get far looking at the situation from a single perspective. I need to build a strong entourage. I digress,' he pinched his temple, '-I remembered something I shouldn't have. The Archangels. If heaven is on the move, I need to fight them. Will they come as the seven archdemons or a representation of the seven virtues? Pit against the princes, I have no idea who'll win. It is said, light always wins over darkness. I'm backed in a corner before anything's set in stone.' 

  "Lord Igna, you are most powerful," said Enfia, "-please, my lord-"