The Demon within

  "Lady Hesta," the crew surrounded the area just outside the captain's cabin, "-please step away," they said, slowly brandishing their brooms and buckets. Some shook at the sight of others holding cutlery; rusty knives, and forks. The half-covered sun advanced, and dawn was upon the landscape.

  "You should step away," she hissed, her ears sharpened as did her stance, "-don't move or I will kill you." Tensions grew, and the aura intensified. Any false move could initiate a mutiny.

  "Just leave, captain, we don't want to hurt you, or Lady Hesta. We want to return home, we want to see our families."

  "Yonder!" the crows' nest echoed, "-Ahoy," he cried, "-the signal from shore!" 

Elion ran through the crowd, casting their weapons or hardened stance aside, "-it's the signal," he took out the telescope and narrowed, "-it's him," a sense of relief washed over him, "-it's him, it's the signal!"