
  "There's your room."

  "Thank you," Staxius answered and entered. '-Aside from the noise outside, there's nothing wrong with this room. It's adequate,' he threw his bag on the table and walked to the window. A pungent smell rose below in the alley, he peaked out of curiosity, '-looks like someone or something is dead,' he shook his head, '-no matter. Have to discuss the next plan with the steward. I'm getting mixed feelings about this intent – even my foresight is being strained. Is he hiding more than he wants to let on?'

Meanwhile, the curtain fell on Staxius' life for the next months. Similar arrangements occurred around the Emerald city.

Cleopatra, who went by the moniker of the son of Baroness Ellan Espo, Cleo, arrived at the capital before Staxius. 

  "Cleo, I never imagined we would be in the graces of the Eir's," narrowed Ellan, "-what sorcery have you performed?"